All prices are F.O.B. Texas and are subject to change. All orders are billed per this catalog or pre-arranged pricing or quotes. Customers will be notified in writing of any price discrepancy, which must be confirmed by the customer in writing, or production delay may occur. If no confirmation from customer is received, shipment or billing will be considered final. Between column pricing is based on the next lower quantity. For example, orders calling for 175 pieces will be priced at the 100-piece price; orders calling for 750 pieces will be priced at the 500-piece price. Contact factory for quantities larger than shown in catalog. Prices on this site are effective February 1, 2023.
Payment terms are 1%-10, Net 30 with approved credit. First order requires either full payment in advance or 50% with order, balance pending on approved credit. A 1% monthly service charge will be assessed on all invoices not paid within terms. Funds must be in U.S. dollars. Factory accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Accounts not in good standing may be subject to prepayment of orders.
Only written quotes will be honored. Factory is not responsible for errors on a verbal quote where written confirmation is not received prior to production. Please reference quote number and date on order. Quotes are valid for 90 days from date of issue.
There is a $40.00(z) charge for any returned check. Terms may be changed to prepayment with a Cashier’s Check or Money Order only for all future orders.